Saturday 19 December 2009

Images I Like

This image I found by typing in 'girl vampire' into Google.

Although the picture doesnt appear to represent what people would expect to be a vampire, I feel the image is very strong due to the colouring and the make-up used within it.

The image doesnt include fangs and capes like you would expect from a vampire which makes the picture original as it is representing a vampire without including the connotations of a real vampire.

I particularly like the hair in this image as I feel it stands out due to how dark it is against the vampires pale skin. It also appears to have white and purple streaks going through the hair which also stand out as they are brighter than the hair itself.

The make up of this vampire is also very bold and bright. The eyes appear very 'scary' and 'weird' and these stand out due to the unrealistic colour, as not many eyes are yellow. This is how you can automatically tell that this girl is not an ordinary female. I really like the colour of the lips that the girl has in this picture as I feel they look very 'vampire like'. The bright colour of them instantly stand out against her pale white skin and they compliment the yellow eyes and red cheeks well.

The girls pale skin could represent her being very cold blooded, like a vampire.

This image I also found by searching for 'girl vampire' in Google.
I was instantly drawn to the picture as it looks like a young girl with bright scary eyes. I felt as if her eyes were looking deep into me. I also like the effect of the hair blowing across her face as well as her bright red lips.

I particularly like this image as it creates an element of mystery towards the character and I felt there was a sad story behind this picture.

1 comment:

  1. you have edited in this pic.
    but i want that orginale one
    (size 1024 x 768)
