Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Ideas For The Video

Once we had chosen our song and the location for our music video, we then brainstormed ideas that we could use that we felt would fit in well with the song theme and words.
To do still, we started off by printing off the song lyrics in which we then analysed so that we could think of other ideas that would fit in well with the lyrics.

We soon found that 'We felt the blood stop' was a common phrase within the song that was very repetitive. We therefore thought of an idea where we could include some type of blood liquid within the video, maybe with the character 'drinking' it out of a champagne glass or with bloody tears coming down from their face. We thought this would fit in well within the theme.

Another idea that we came up with was that our main character could be running from something, maybe running away from her own nightmare. We felt that a dark but well lit alleyway would capture the moods and feeling that we want to portray within this shot as we would want it to feel as if the main character was scared and feeling all alone.

Our main character we decided would look as if they have been possessed by a spirit to which all these weird and scary things would happen to them. However, this would all be shown in the 'nightmare' and therefore she would just be thinking about it.

We also decided we would feature a vampire type character that would appear to haunt the main character. This would add even more emphasis to the scary vibe in which we want to create and achieve.

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