Thursday, 10 December 2009

Initial Ideas

To start off our brainstorming for a music video, we firstly tried to think of a song or an artist of which we all particularly liked or enjoyed listening to.

We firstly thought of songs by Lily Allen as we all particularly liked her and her songs as they were fairly upbeat and quirky.

The first song we looked at was 'LDN'. We liked this song as we felt it reflected a good story and could have included a video where there is only one character walking or skipping around London in a happy mood changing in and out of costumes. However, when we looked at the music video that Lily Allen had created to this song, we soon realised that our idea was very similar to the video itself which shows Lily going around London on a bicycle.

After further thought about this song, we soon came to a group decision that we couldn't really think of any other ideas of a music video to make for this song. We then decided that this song perhaps wouldn't be the best song for us to use.

Another song we looked at was 'Oh My God' by Mark Ronson which featured Lily Allen. We liked this song as we felt we could come up with a lot of random ideas relating to the Oh My God title. The song was also upbeat which we liked so we could therefore create a 'happy and quirky' video to it. The original video for this song features Lily Allen as a cartoon, so any video we created to this song would not me remotely similar.

However, after hearing the song over and over again, it personally started to really annoy me and so did Lilly Allen! I bought this up with the other girls and we discussed this and we all came to the decision that we would think of another song of which we all liked and could work with.

To me, this really showed good team work as well as co-operation as we all came to the same decision without a big fuss.

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