Saturday, 19 December 2009

Music Video Analysis - Rihanna: Disturbia

The music video for Rihanna's 'Disturbia' was filmed on 29th June, 2008. It was directed by Anthony Mandler and was choreographed by Tina Landon.
The video was first released only on iTunes for 48 hours and it debuted in the UK on 1st August.

Although i had previously seen this particular music video many times before, when i looked at in in more depth, i was amazed by the many different shots and scenes that had been used, as well as many of the different effects. I then thought about how our music video would become easily transformed if we tried to use some of these effects within our own music video.
The clothing in which Rhianna wears represents the genre in which this music video represents as she tends to wear mainly black clothing throughout the video. Her hair is also short, yet almost appears out of place, representing herself throughout this.

Many of the shots within this particular music video include very little lighting and therefore they are very hard to see, however again, this relates to the particular genre in which this music video has been made for.
This shot is one of the first shots we see throughout the music video. It is an establishing shot so we can therefore see that the artist or main character is in the middle of the screen, however has the surrounding area visible so that we can see what is all around her. The lighting in this shot is quite dark which adds to the element of mysteriousness within the video as we cannot see the main characters face properly.
This shot was towards the beginning of the song as the beat of the song became more emphasised. I particularly liked this shot as it showed the main character throwing her head around whilst stuck in a cage which made me question why she was in the cage in the first place. The editing of this shot showed that it had been sped up which created even more of an effect as it looked like she was throwing her head around even faster.

This shot I felt was amazing as it captured three different images into one scene. Within this we can see a close up of the character as well as a body shot of the character with fire separating the two images. I really liked this image and was drawn to it and would like to experiment with this kind of shot within my own music video.

This shot within the music video I felt didn't relate to the rest of the video as it contained very harsh lighting when compared to all of the other shots within the video where the lighting is very dark and the character creates a sense of mystery.

This shot I felt was beautiful! I really liked the way in which the lighting captured the character from the side as she almost appears like a shadow. I never really noticed this image until I looked further into the music video and I would love to include this type of shot within my own music video.

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