Friday, 18 December 2009

Previous Practise Video

This is a practise video that we made in Year 12 as an introduction to using the particular software in which we would need for creating our coursework.

We was given a title of 'The Journey' in which we had to create our own storyline and our own music video to within the timescale of 2 weeks.

Our group decided our 'journey' would be a transformation for a girl going from a 'geek' to a beauty. Our chosen song was 'She Moves in Her Own Way' by The Kooks.

From this task, we got an initial introduction into how to use the different equipment such as a video camera and a tripod. We also learnt how to use Final Cut which was going to be the programme in which we would use for our Year 13 coursework.

Here is our practise video:

Practise Music Video from Lucy Simonds on Vimeo.

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